Genesis 1: The Only God Worthy of Worship

Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also (Genesis 1:3; 16).

The Egyptians were a powerful and advanced nation of people. Their pyramids, temples, and statues have remained after more than 4,000 years and are a testament to their abilities. Even today, we can’t reproduce their architecture and don’t know how they built those great structures.

Like all ancient peoples, the people of Egypt worshiped a wide variety of deities, each represented by something visible in creation; they worshiped nature. Their chief god, Amun-Ra, for example, was the sun traveling through the sky in his boat. Apis was manifested in the bull. And the great goddess Isis was the moon, ruling over the night sky.

The God of all things was jealous for the Jews. As the One true God, He had a right to demand the whole devotion of the people whom He loved and freed from more than 350 years of slavery in Africa.

Moses wrote the Book of Genesis by divine revelation during the 40 years the descendants of Israel wandered in the Sinai Peninsula. Genesis chapter 1 was an important text for His people to know. It not only described the Creator’s character and how all things came to be, the opening passage of the Bible revealed His superiority over His creation.

If the sun was Amun-Ra and the moon was Isis, Jehovah was their Creator! All of creation and every creature man falsely worshiped was the work of God’s hands. God’s handiworks were worshiped as gods, but they were nothing more than mistaken identities.

The first chapter of Genesis proved to Israel that Jehovah, the unseen God of creation, was alone worthy of worship.

We live in an age where the temptation to worship the things of creation is no less than it was 4,000 years ago in Egypt. What Genesis 1 said to the Jews wandering in the Wilderness is relevant to us today. The God of Genesis 1 is the only God worthy of worship.

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