We are His Workmanship

We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them (Ephesians 2:10).

The story of Samson is one of God choosing a man to deliver Israel from the Philistines before his conception. He would demonstrate God’s strength independent of a man’s background, resources, abilities, or strengths.

After announcing that salvation is God’s gift of grace through God’s gift of faith in His gift of Christ Jesus, Paul wrote in Ephesians 2:10 that we are nothing apart from Jesus. The blood of His nail-pierced hands is on everything about us. We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus. There is no room for boasting about our free will, our choice, our decision, our prayer, our commitment, or our works. Salvation is not about “our” anything, but Him!

Boastful people we are, but any good found in us or in our deeds, is only the goodness of Jesus Christ shining through the dark and awful dung of our existence. Note Paul says we walk in Christ’s works, not make our own! Anything of value or worth found in me or done through me is for Christ Jesus alone to boast in. And apart from Him, nothing good in me doth dwell (Romans 7:18).

You and I were born again to shine the light on God. He saved us, and before time began ordained a life-time of light-shining works for us to do. These works only and ever draw the attention and praise of men and angels, demons and damsels, Heaven and Hell to Jesus. Anything which puts the light on us is not a work prepared beforehand for us to do. We were saved – not to depopulate Hell – but to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ.

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