Pastors and Presidents

Pastors and presidents have this in common: they are either dearly beloved or vilely hated. There’s never middle ground.

I’ve never been the President of the United States, but I have been a pastor nearly 4 decades.

Someone threatened to lock me in the church building and burn it down. I was warned my throat would be slit in the night. I’ve been called a false prophet, a thief, an easily manipulated dolt, an idiot, and much worse. There have twice been demands to return all the money people donated over years. Once I overheard a group say I should have been fired before I was hired.

Sounds like an American president or two.

One Sunday a man pulled me aside after the morning service; always a frightening event for the new pastor. You’re like a dog we used to have. I nervously smiled and considered the bad directions this would go.

That old dog that could do everything, then that old dog got sick and died. We were devastated. We thought about getting a new dog, but we were sure no dog could ever fill the gap in our hearts. A friend’s dog gave birth to a litter of puppies and we were offered one. We took a look at the puppies and one stood out and we brought her home.That puppy was a wonderful addition to our family. Right away we learned to love her, and it turned out the new puppy was better than the old dog. You’re like that puppy.

Ask any pastor; it’s a lonely and often thankless job. I’m grateful for the people who not only appreciate me for what I do, but for friends who appreciate me.

Tell you’re pastor how you appreciate him. He needs to hear it more than you know.

A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver (Proverbs 25:11).

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