Shhhh … It’s a Secret


We’re used to telling lies and thinking that what’s brewing in our minds is hidden behind the windows in our eyes.

As long as we don’t say it, we convince ourselves that our hearts are secret places where no one else intrudes uninvited.

We question the motives of others, not because they’ve done anything wrong, but because of our own motives. “He must be guilty” we assert and point a finger, when all along it’s our own image in the mirror we see and condemn.

The unfaithfulness we find fault in others is only the image of the projection from within ourselves.

Instead of speaking in love, we deceive ourselves into imagining that the truth we ignore will either ‘work itself out’ or fade in a puff of smoke. We forget that problems are not self-solving and that smoke always leaves a stain.

Trust? You must be kidding. Too many hurts.  Too many fears.  Too many failures.

If we had forgotten the name of our God, or stretched out our hands to a foreign god, would not God search this out? For He knows the secrets of the heart (Psalm 44:21).

A Hairy Back

hairy back.jepg

Sunday on the drive home from church services, Daniel told me that he’d seen a woman whose lower arms were covered with thick black hair like his kitten Fluffy.  The rest of the drive home was a discussion about body hair.  Such is the mind of a child.

I told him about an older woman I’d known with a mustache and a beard with only four or five very long white hairs on her head. He mentioned a man who had excessive hair on his back … then wondered aloud how he could ever shave or trim all that hair. “Well, I guess he’d need someone who really loved him to do it” I explained.

There are many things we can’t do alone. We all need someone who loves us enough to look closely at those hidden places, point out, and then trim those unwanted hairs in our ears, and our chin and back.

The Bible says that God knows the secrets of our hearts  (Psalm 44:21). Those things about us we assume are hidden from everyone (like hurts, fears, unrealistic expectations, and sins) are open knowledge to Him. May God also give each of us someone with enough love to watch over us and then humbly help us with the things we can’t do – or can’t see – about ourselves.